Talking to dualstack-websites

Access Performance with IPv4 and IPv6

6pm to 7.15pm, followed by apero until 9pm

Digicomp, Limmatstrasse 50, Zürich

Event sponsor:

Public cible:
IT managers and architects, engineers, administrators, developers

What if one would observe the performance to access Swiss dual-stack sites over 2 months comparing IPv4 and IPv6? How would the performance from different locations look on the Internet (the content provider, in the backbone, at companies and educational institutions and residential customer connections)? What analysis possibilities do you have and what conclusions can you derive? Is Facebook really faster over IPv6?

This is exactly what the Swiss IPv6 Council did with the support of some members that provided monitoring agents. We presented our study at the May 30 event.

Download the slides...


Gabriel Müller
Senior consultant at AWK and Swiss IPv6 Council Board Member

Gabriel Müller specialized during his studies in electrical engineering at ETH Zurich on networks and network security. He is currently working as a senior consultant in the AWK Group. He assists clients in the public and private sectors as a project manager and expert in projects in the network area. In its role as a network administrator at the AWK he collects regularly practical experience in the company's own network.


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