LISP - Infos about the new routing architecture

With the IPv4 address architecture an IP address includes two pieces of information about a node (actually an interface): first, the address of the interface (host ID) and second the information, how the interface is connected to the network (subnet). This does not change with IPv6, except that the address space is much larger. This leads to greater challenges in complex networks, especially when there is a need for multi-homing or mobility.

LISP (Locator / ID Separation Protocol) is a new routing architecture with a new addressing structure. With this technology, the identity of a device, called endpoint identifier (EID), is separated from its position in the network, called routing Locator (RLOC),  into two separate address spaces. This offers a number of advantages:

  • Simplified multihoming
  • Support of scalable any-to-any WAN connections
  • Support for virtual machine mobility in the data center
  • Improved scalability by optimizing aggregation
  • IPv6 transition support
  • Independence from the provider
  • Reduces the complexity of the operation

The Cisco presentation about LISP:


LISP can be introduced gradually over a network without affecting the end nodes. It is a technology strongly supported by Cisco. It is developed as an open standard (RFC 6830).
 Additional information:





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