IPv6 Experts offer 2016: 10% discount on IPv6 courses

This 3-day workshop shows you which future services are made possible by IPv6. He explained the important and new features of IPv6 from a technical perspective, this compares with IPv4 and gives a good overview of existing transition and coexistence mechanisms of IPv6 with IPv4. With hands-on exercises, you will have the opportunity to make their first experience with the new protocol. The focus is on the technology. To configure the protocol on Windows systems, as well as on a router. Using Trace Files You can understand the communication.
IPv6 Experts receive 10% discount to the following courses:
The courses are usually held in German. Upon registration of a minimum of four participants we can run an English version. Slides are in English.
Your benefit / Learning Outcomes
- In just 3 days you will learn the new features and opportunities of IPv6 know and have through this knowledge base to the new technology to plan strategically meaningful way.
- Thanks to "hands on" Exercises and practical information on migration and coexistence with IPv4, you can use what they have learned into practice immediately and plan first test installations and perform.
-The Course was developed by Silvia Hagen, who is a recognized expert and author of widely acclaimed books. The coach (or instructors) of Sunny Connection are all experienced Netzwerkengineers and were trained by Silvia Hagen and certified to give these courses.
Target group
This workshop is designed for technical decision makers, network analysts, IT architects, IT consultants, system administrators, network and Systemsengineers, as well as manufacturers and application developers who want to get a detailed overview of the new functionality of IPv6.
Good understanding of networks in general and of TCP / IP in particularity. For IPv6 requires no prior knowledge.